Christ taught the "Law of the Harvest," which is, "you reap what you sow" whether it be for good or ill. We create our own existence through those things we bring into our lives by our actions which first start out as thoughts. "As Man thinketh so is he." This tells us that thoughts are powerful forces in everyone's life and are connected to Universal Laws.
"The Law of Vibration"
The smallest particles known to man are vibrations. Thoughts are vibrations. Words are vibrations. Sounds are vibrations. Light is a vibration. Our planet is a vibration. Our entire universe and everything within it (seen and unseen) is a vibrating mass of atoms and subatomic particles.
"The Law of Resonance"
The Law of Resonance which is closely interconnected and works in harmony with the Law of Attraction is the Universal Law which determines precisely what it is that you will attract into your life based on the resonance or frequency of the energy that you are projecting. The Law of Resonance is the law which determines precisely WHAT IS attracted based on the resonance or the frequency of energy that is chosen by you through your emotional response system and as a result of that choice determines the kind and quality of the resonance or frequency projected which the Law of Attraction utilizes to determine precisely what IS attracted. See, The Law of Resonance.
"The Law of Reciprocity"
The Law Of Reciprocity is the Universal Law that states that whatever is sent out into the cosmos, what modern day science refers to as "The Unified Field", and what I personally choose to refer to as "The Infinite Field Of Potentiality", in the way of energy or vibration through the resonance of your thoughts, emotions and actions, will manifest outcomes in the physical world... physical outcomes that unfold in your life based on whatever is given or broadcast out through those thoughts, emotions and actions.
"The Law of Harmony"
The whole question to ask is how do the thoughts you constantly think in your mind make you feel? If they give you the feeling of faith, the response from the universal mind is immediate. It is the answer to your prayer of faith.
Every thought from your mind is a communication to the universal mind. Therefore every thought is a prayer. When your thought is a thought that inspires a feeling of faith, your prayer is a prayer of faith. It is the prayer of faith that shall save the sick and not the prayer of the faithless. You must understand that there is a reciprocity effect from the universal mind. As above, so below. The answer is sent forth but it only arrives when you are in the right frequency to receive it. Being in vibrational harmony is the key.
This is when you find it essential to "let go and let GOD" "if it doesn't flow, it doesn't go" in other words, some may say "P-ray U-ntil S-omething H-appens" (push) yet it works due to the faith of believing the universe will work this situation out as you release the natural desire of control. Affirmations state that what you believe to be true and what you are consciously calling into your life is your choice and completely voluntarily. The only way to accomplish this is to let go of the control factor and embrace the harmony found within the universe by finding harmony within our own thoughts and feelings toward ourselves. There is nothing permanent without harmony as harmony is another name for love.
Also See:
Universal Laws
20 Primary Universal Laws
Prayer is Advanced Level of Reality Creating
The temple is where one can go to reset our inner vibrations, to be in harmony with God's intent....and his purpose is to bring joy into the lives of his children. Through the prayer circle vibrations combine to enhance a prayer of faith. There is power in numbers to create a spiritual synergy that is more than the sum of the parts....through which prayers are answered and miracles can happen. Fasting, we are told can help to heighten those vibrational properties. Faith, or another way to describe it, Vibration, is the sum of life in the universe and is the power through which God works.
Also See:
For the Power Is in Them... in Neal A. Maxwell, For the Power Is in Them . . . : Mormon Musings (gospelink.com - subscription required)
THE GREAT LAW in John A. Widtsoe, Rational Theology (gospelink.com - subscription required)
SECTION III Faith and Our Lives in Hugh B. Brown, Eternal Quest (gospelink.com - subscription required)
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